About The Fem Method Pelvic Health

learn more about Dr. Nikki Berner
Dr. Nikki Berner is a board-certified, licensed, practicing physical therapist with extensive clinical experience in a variety of clinical settings such as pediatric neuro-rehab, adult home health, and chronic pain management. Dr. Nikki uses this experience, as well as her personal experience as a collegiate athlete, to finding the “why” behind problems and specializes in creating a treatment plan based on return to function and activity. Dr. Nikki is passionate about helping women feel their best through all phases of their life.

As a member of the local community, Nikki is excited for The Fem Method Pelvic Health make a mark on the community and serve women in a unique, compassionate, and individualized way.

the fem method dr nikki berner consulting with patient for women's health physical therapy

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Let us help get you back to feeling pain-free and living the life that you deserve! Request an appointment and we will be in touch with you within 48 hours.

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Have a question about The Fem Method’s services? Simply fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.

For more immediate assistance with scheduling a virtual consultation or in person appointment, please call and leave a message at (817) 440-6627.